“Kind acts have power. Words have power.”
They can be a catalyst, a small spark, to a big fire, creating a lasting impact of good. They soften hearts. They change people's lives and change families for the better.
“We practice what we preach.”
Encourage Folks, we support those in our community through generosity projects. We’re especially passionate about kids and families. We don't just make profit to enrich ourselves, we make our community and world better. That's why we’re here.
"Do for one, what you wish you could do for everyone."
Everytime someone purchases we match it. We send a note and a gift to someone who needs it in our community. A kid in a disadvantaged family, a local first responder, a nursing home resident. The list is endless, actually we all need encouragement. This is why we do what we do!
Our Story: Turner Family & Encourage Folks
Our purpose is to make encouragement, kindness, and generosity a real-life priority in people. Our mission, one person at a time, is to make kindness easy and spark a fire in hearts so these traits are not just something they do, but it becomes who they are.
We assemble creative gifts that we would love to receive ourselves with a note of encouragement. Make it easy for people to encourage and help other people, that's the aim. We want to 10X our impact of good in local communities and the world.
"Make a big, bold, bet-the-farm difference in our community and the world!"
Words we want to live by, not just things we do on occasion. Words we want to teach our kids to live by. We truly want to learn how to be generous, caring people at the core. With that desire, we want to bring along as many people as possible with us.